no not yet not like this

About me?

When I eat meat, meat with bones, proper flesh and blood, I always take my time. I hold the bones firmly and take my teeth and tongue and methodically scrape every possible shred of edible flesh. I then carefully crack the bones open and lovingly taste the brown-red marrow core- the fatty blood flavor is impossible to replicate.
People don’t understand, they often ask me why I don’t simply get more food if I’m that hungry. No, thank you I say back, and continue to work at my bones. I eat the rinds, bitter pith, the almost edible things. They’re almost my favorite part, the contrast of the sweet fruit to the tough peel.
I read somewhere that taking photos makes you forget the moment. I almost never take photos, so that I can live in the moment, peel it apart, and eat it down to its bones. I can’t stand the idea of leaving anything behind that I could have consumed wholly. I try my best to drink every morning down, every laugh from a friend, every birdsong, the shape of a leaf as it flutters, drain every single moment down to the bitter dregs, and when I’m done I’ll eat the cup.
For movies I watch them alone, in a dark room, uninterrupted as possible so that the fake life flickering on the screen can imprint itself onto my retinas- as clean a transfer as I can manage. I eat books with the same gusto, eagerly with my eyes so close enough to the page that the words come instantly, so that they blend together into a bright stream.
I deeply wish that the English language had more words for flavor and smells. We always have to talk about it sideways. This tastes good, doesn’t it? The last crumbs left on the plate? The final scraps in the pot? That one last uncracked bone, lovingly set aside, so I can be sure that every single part is subsumed and eaten and not a single part left untouched and unseen? I hate to leave any part untasted- the struggle of enjoying it makes me love it all the more.

I mean, what else is there?

**these statements not reviewed by the FDA. True as of 2023. May no longer be true. Proceed with caution.
